
Environment Park is not just a Technology Park offering environmental innovation services, it is also a place – a campus – where technological innovation takes place and can be seen.
Envipark currently produces onsite about 55% of its annual energy needs from renewable sources (2019 figures). The Park owns the internal distribution networks, infrastructure and laboratories. Furthermore, the real estate management system is ISO 14001 certified.
Our specialized staff accompany and support the implementation of tests and activities in the campus.

In the laboratories

We manage the laboratory areas in the campus in partnership with research institutes and companies. That’s why we call themopen labs: the Park’s labs are open for collaborations and developments tailored to the needs of our partners.
Our staff directly develop and manage the laboratory facilities and remain in charge of relations with suppliers, research centres and companies involved.
Our labs specialise in: green chemistry and circular economy, hydrogen and surface engineering.
Production of energy from renewable sources
A photovoltaic sail – the “Totem” – welcomes visitors in front of the Convention centre. The Photovoltaic Totem is a strongly symbolic and evocative structure of important architectural value, with great visual and technological appeal.
It is a canopy in the form of a sail swelling towards the south, with a laminated larch structure and a surface area of about 200 square metres.
The structure supports strips of double-glazed panels enclosing silicon cells. Each strip of 20 panels has its own inverter to transform direct current into alternating current. The Totem power is about 16kW.

The hydroelectric power station

Environment Park has designed and built a hydroelectric power station on Spina 3 to produce clean electricity, using o the waters of the Dora Riparia river.
It is one of the first urban installations of mini hydro turbine in Europe and has a high educational value.
Environment Park hydroelectric plant produces clean electricity from the Meana Canal: built in the mid-eighteenth century and restored to serve the mini hydro turbine, the Canal is the oldest historical evidence of the link between this area and the Dora Riparia river.
he waters of the Dora Riparia are diverted into the Meana Canal, then cross Environment Park in an area called Valle Verde, where the hydroelectric plant is located, and are then returned to the river, purified, at the Dora Park.
The average energy that can be produced by the plant is about 1700MWh per year with an average power of 183kW.
The whole campus is a demosite

We support the testing and/ or installation in real environment of demonstrators of building materials and components as well as innovative energy, water and waste management solutions.
A number of companies and research centres have already used the campus to test cleantech demonstrators, including: heating and cooling solutions, insulation systems, energy recovery, green walls, facades, renewable energy storage (heat and electricity), micro CHP and renewable energy production in urban environments, measurement, monitoring and forecasting of energy consumption and energy production from renewables, grid-connected electric vehicles, andusers involvment and profilingsystem”.
Find out more about the demosite (internal link demosite page)