Piattaforma circular economy

The Circular Economy Platform, born in January 2020 from a collaboration agreement between the Politecnico and Environment Park, is the first of the Politecnico di Torino’s strategic platforms to become operational. The Platform envisages a joint roadmap for enhancing research, technology transfer and training activities developed by the University on circular economyissues, and and for creating concrete opportunities for the transfer of innovation and for the collaboration with companies and institutions.

The aim of the thematic Platforms is to bring the Politecnico directly into the industrial fabric of the city and the territory, in close collaboration with laboratories and centres that already bring together research and innovation activities on key issues for the economy and society. This innovative model, proposed by the Politecnico di Torino, aims to create an even more synergic and functional link between the scientific research developed in the departments and laboratories and the innovation needs of companies.

In addition to the Circular Economy Platform, the Politecnico di Torino has launched other thematic platforms in the areas of Manufacturing 4.0, Energy & Water, Digital Revolution, 3D Mobility, Urban-Territorial Regeneration and Heritage Protection.