Foundation Cassa di Risparmio di Cuneo is a non-profit organization active especially in the province of Cuneo, and pursues purposes of social utility and promotion of economic development, through the provision of grants to public and private non-profit entities and through projects promoted directly, in partnership with local actors.

Through the call “Paths of sustainability” of 2023, the Foundation aims to promote actions to tackle and adapt to climate change and improve the environmental sustainability of local authorities. The Foundation intends to finance projects on energy and climate issues, providing support and assistance to beneficiaries in writing detailed projects and subsequent implementation, in particular by ensuring:

  • technical assistance for the writing of a detailed project that, starting from a photograph of the ecological footprint of the internal processes or activities of the entities concerned, sets improvement objectives;
  • a useful economic contribution to achieving the investments necessary to achieve the objectives set by the project.



Envipark is appointed by the Foundation as technical partner for the following activities:

  • writing of the call “Paths of sustainability”;
  • presentation of the call and support to the Foundation in the elaboration of FAQ;
  • technical evaluation of proposals;
  • support activities for beneficiaries and desk assistance for writing executive projects;
  • accompanying activities in the execution of the project;
  • remote help desk activities for applicants;
  • drafting of the monitoring and impact report.