
Project Poliwine was financed under the ROP Piemonte ERDF 2007-2013. Environment Park and the University of Turin collaborates with the cosmetics company Reynaldi and the winery Rabezzana di Calliano.

Poliwine is a feasibility study that aims at verifying the efficiency extraction level from wine production waste, by assessing the quality of the extracted raw materials and their use in cosmetic preparations.

The objective of Poliwine is improving the economic and environmental sustainability of wine companies through the feasibility analysis of a cosmetic product. This is characterized by the presence of active principles with high antioxidant levels, extracted and purified by the by-products from wine processing.

The project was articulated in the following activities:

  • Evaluation of the potential of by-products alternative re-use, with specific reference to pomace;
  • Assessment of the extraction potential of the antioxidants and benchmarking of some typical vines of the Piedmont region;
  • Assessment of the purification and extraction methods, particularly focusing on the most economically and environmentally sustainable innovative methods;
  • Carry out of some preliminary tests at laboratory scale with the aim of improving the polyphenolic compounds extractability;
  • Characterization of the extracts obtained;
  • Assessment of the polyphenolic compounds obtained from the experimental test for the cosmetic feasibility: pretreatment compatibility with the cosmetic formulations, purification process evaluation;
  • Identification of the polyphenolic and anthocyanin compounds which were biologically more relevant;
  • Formulation of a cosmetic compound that uses one or more identified antioxidants as active principle.

Our role

Within the feasibility study, Environment  Park dealt with the following activities:

  • Collaboration with  METEC for the Piedmontese wine sector analysis with reference to the most promising cultivar in terms of polyphenolic content;
  • Thorough bibliographic review on the different typologies of polyphenolic compunds and the existing methods of pre-treatment and extraction with the aim of improving yields and economic and environmental sustainability;
  • Carry out of experimental preliminary testys for pretreatment and polyphenolic-anthocyanin extraction;
  • Characterization of the polyphenolic-anthocyanin typologies in  collaboration with the University of Turin;
  • Collaboration with Reynaldi within the feasibility assessment of the cosmetic product.