HYTECHCYCLING is a 36-month project carried out from May 2016 to May 2019. It was funded by H2020, the European Union Framework Program for Research and Innovation, under the FCH JTI – Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking) – the public-private partnership supporting research in fuel-cell and hydrogen technologies.
The main goal of the project is to deliver reference documentation and studies about existing and new recycling and dismantling technologies and strategies applied to Fuel Cells and Hydrogen (FCH) technologies, paving the way for future demonstration actions and advances in legislation.
To achieve this goal, the following key steps have been followed considering the involvement and validation of relevant FCH value chain actors and the HYTECHCYCLING Advisory Board of manufacturers:
- Pre-study and techno-economic, environmental, RCS assessment related to dismantling & recycling of FCH technologies to detect future needs and challenges
- Development of new technologies and strategies applied to FCH technologies in the phase of recycling & dismantling and LCA analysis considering critical, expensive and scarce materials inventory
- Proposal of new business model, implementation roadmap and development of reference recommendations and guidelines to focus the sector and pave the way for future demonstrations and introduction of the concept among FCH stakeholders.
Our role
Due to Envipark’s expertise in involvement of stakeholders for new business creation around RES and FCH technologies, it was able to ensure the agreement of FCH actors involved in end of life of FCH technologies in the new concepts developed by the project, looking forward to harmonization of technologies and strategies in the phase of recycling and dismantling. Environment Park makes use of an extensive network of National and European contacts (as well as that from partners) to have a relevant representation of FCH actors in recycling and dismantling. Besides, Environment Park led the legislative framework analysis and cooperated in the development of new recycling strategies and LCA studies.