ENER.COM’s objective is to overcome technological and regulatory barriers in order to implement the pilot project on energy communities in the Pinerolo area. The energy communities, of which the Piedmont Region was the first promoter, born from the environmental and economic need to overcome the use of oil sources of energy, on behalf of an increase in renewable energy solutions. To this purpose, this feasibility study will analyze the energy data available on 6 municipalities in the Pinerolo area in order to create a mapping of the territory, highlighting all energy consumption and production and above all to give indications to the municipalities on the best solutions for the creation of renewable energy communities in their territory.


Envipark, in collaboration with the Polytechnic of Turin, has the key role of identifying the main technological obstacles to the accomplishment of the “energy community” project and of formulating appropriate solutions to overcome them. Furthermore, Envipark will be responsible for integrating the social aspect with the technical one, working on the participatory process of citizens and trying to raise their awareness regarding the responsible consumption and energy communities, as the citizens’ choices will become a key aspect of the energy transition at local scale.