CBET-Cross Border Energy Trainig

Project CBET – Cross Border Energy Training – is co-financed by the European Union under Programme Interreg V Italy-France ALCOTRA 2014-2020.

The overall objective of the project was the implementation of 4 innovative practical training devices for the development of informal and non-formal competences in the Energy sector (RES, EE and green building). Joint Italian/French educational paths have been created, giving the participants the possibility of exploiting their study title both in Italy and in France, promoting cross-border and European labour market integration, in a multilingual context.

CBET created and tested bi-national conjoined training paths, within the field of RES (Renewable Energy Sources), which is of great cross-border concern, also by providing the experience gained by the partners in other cooperation projects.

The devices were implemented by creating virtuous synergies among innovation clusters/ technology parks and innovative companies specialised in the Energy sector, which participated in the definition process of the educational content and in the training model elaboration.

The project aimed at engaging students enrolled in secondary study courses of cross-border technical / scientific institutes and gave them the possibility of attending training sessions parallel to the institutional education, aimed at developing complementary competencies to those learned in class.



Our role

Envipark collaborated in providing the training courses for secondary school students in Piemonte, as well as being the practical training sessions venue.

Lessons took place in Environment Park, where frontal lessons were followed by demonstration sessions of solar thermal, photovoltaics and external isolation.

One of the tools used for the courses was the technical platform, an innovative system that has been installed in Environment Park, composed by a wooden demonstrator for the laying of dry construction systems for thermal envelopes applicable in new buildings, as well as in the redevelopment of existing buildings, with particular attention paid to air tightness.

In order to carry out these training activities, Envipark has engaged some business partners of the Piemonte area, members to the CLEVER cluster, that have supported Environment Park in building the demonstrator and in the provision of the training: AbitareCobola serramenti and Segheria Valle Sacre, were key for the effective carrying out of the training sessions and for the achievement of CBET’s goals.