finMED project partner IVACE is organising in collaboration with Foro ADR and EURADA, the two-days conference AGORADA+ 2021, combined this year with finMED Conference, in Valencia, Spain on 28 & 29 October 2021.
The COVID-19 pandemic has dramatically reshaped the global economic environment and financial priorities exposing fragilities in the corporate and financial worlds. However, it is also providing opportunities for innovation when it comes to the utilisation of financial instruments and grants.
Indeed, financial instruments such as loans, guarantees and equity provide opportunities for both public and private collaboration, paving the way to catalyse private capital into impactful investing. On the other hand, EU grants might provide the necessary support to rebuild and to implement new business models in such times of uncertainty. A combination of the abovementioned can deploy the advantages offered by both tools which could become a very effective financing mechanism for the recovery plan of European regions, SMEs and entrepreneurs. But that is only part of the picture. There is another category of investing beyond traditional investments that is becoming increasingly accessible to all type of investors and industry professionals, especially to entrepreneurs and regional practitioners. It stays, nonetheless, in the unknown for most of them.
After the past Agorada+ edition in 2020, this high-level international conference, combined with the capitalization of finMED INTERREG MED project, aims to become a forum where regional development practitioners and finance experts can exchange good practices, transfer knowledge, and discuss innovative measures and financial instruments to raise an economy heavily damaged by the undesirable effects of the pandemic and to guarantee sustainable, long-term corporate growth. Three lines of discussion will conduct the conference, each of them developed by specialists in the field.
European programs and initiatives to support financial instruments.
The first day of the event will be dedicated to identifying potential sources of funding for impact investments. In the morning of Thursday, 28th of October, an overall view of the European support framework will be given, bolstered by presentations discussing examples and best practices already tested by regional practitioners via a series of discussion panels. In the afternoon, through several parallel workshops, regional and local experts will discuss on new funding modalities, their frameworks, introducing new concepts such as “blending”, and giving proof of their effectivity through diverse rooms of discussion where examples of their application will be illustrated.
Sustainable Finance / towards the green and digital transition
The second day of the event is dedicated to analysing the demand of impact finance; examples of social innovation and green transition finance are showcased. In the morning of Friday, 29th of October, the discussion will be focused on the importance of the green transition and social innovation that are considered the backbone of EU’s recovery from the coronavirus crisis and to create a competitive and sustainable climate-neutral economy.
Please find the Agenda and Registration Form, here: