Project Biosofc – Design and demonstration of 3 CHP plants using two 5 kW solid oxide fuel cells (SOFC) working with landfill gas and biogas from anaerobic digestion – was financed within the framework of the European Programme LIFE.

Improving the Knowledge in Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technologies for Technicians. Progetto cofinanziato da FCH JU.

Project WOOL4BUILD was financed by the European Union under environmental research programme “Eco-Innovation”.

HYPERGRYD (Hybrid coupled networks for thermal-electric integrated smart energy Districts) is a European project, that lasts 42 months funded by the Horizon 2020 program for € 5.987.875, involving 19 partner entities, including companies, universities, research institutions, from 7 European countries. Envipark is one of the 4 Italian partners. The project is part of the broad […]

BRISK II project “Biofuels Research Infrastructure for Sharing Knowledge” has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme.

LIFE POWER – Project for Optimisation of Water and Emissions Reduction- has been financed within the framework of the European Programme LIFE.

HYTECHCYCLING is a 36-month project carried out from May 2016 to May 2019. It was funded by H2020, the European Union Framework Program for Research and Innovation, under the FCH JTI – Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking) – the public-private partnership supporting research in fuel-cell and hydrogen technologies.

Martini&Rossi is an international industrial reality, with administrative, distribution and production branches worldwide. It is part of the Bacardi-Martini group and produces vermouth, sparkling wine, fernet, bitter and china. The production plant is located in Pessione di Chieri, in the province of Turin, and for the building “Celle Moscato and Cantina Pinot” an Energy Diagnosis […]

CABEE Capitalizing Alpine Building Evaluation Experiences is a transnational Alpine project to create and implement an Alpine-wide guideline for definition, procurement, production, assessment and promotion as well as learning about new and refurbished Nearly-Zero-Emission-Buildings (NZEB) and their neighborhoods.

Europen project “PEACE_Alps–Pooling Energy Action plans and Enhancing their implementation in the Alps” is co-financed under Alpine Space Programme 2014-2020.

The SPOTLIGHT project aims to demonstrate an innovative process for the production of solar fuels.

The Municipality of Nichelino intends to respond to the public notice for the presentation of Proposals for action to promote eco-efficiency and reduce energy consumption in cinemas and theatres, public and private, to be financed under the PNRR, Mission 1 – Digitisation, innovation, competitiveness, culture and tourism – Component 3 – Tourism and Culture 4.0 […]

Project CaSCo – Carbon Smart COmmunities – was supported by INTERREG Alpine Space Programme, financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).

Project Poliwine was financed under the ROP Piemonte ERDF 2007-2013. Environment Park and the University of Turin collaborates with the cosmetics company Reynaldi and the winery Rabezzana di Calliano.

AURORAL project has the aim to tackle significant social challenges for increasing economic growth in rural areas, delivering a platform bridging the digital gap between urban and rural areas.

Foundation Cassa di Risparmio di Cuneo is a non-profit organization active especially in the province of Cuneo, and pursues purposes of social utility and promotion of economic development, through the provision of grants to public and private non-profit entities and through projects promoted directly, in partnership with local actors. Through the call “Paths of sustainability” […]
CBET-Cross Border Energy Trainig

Project CBET – Cross Border Energy Training – is co-financed by the European Union under Programme Interreg V Italy-France ALCOTRA 2014-2020.

Project POMACE is part of the 2016 strategic research agenda of the CLEVER Innovation Cluster, financed under the ROP Piemonte ERDF 2014-2020. The partners involved in the project include: RAMS&E Srl, Environment Park SpA, CCS Aosta Srl, IDEA3 Engineering Srl, in collaboration with UNITO-DBIOs.

BIOFIDS is a project that aims at the technological transfer of the ENEA patent N° 0001428761 “LED photobioreactor plant for the biological removal of H2S from biogas.
MC0 – Mission Carb 0 Accelerate the decarbonisation of SMEs and micro-enterprises

MC0 – Mission Carb 0 is a project co-financed by the INTERREG ALCOTRA programme, under the “New Challenges” call, and meets the specific objective of “developing skills for smart specialisation, industrial transition and entrepreneurship”. It has a duration of 3 years and a total value of € 1 950 350, of which 80% financed by […]

DATA4ACTION – Facilitating public authorities access to energy data for better implementation and monitoring of SEAP actions through effective and structured collaboration with energy data providers

Project PRECIOUS is part of the 2016 strategic research agenda of the CLEVER Innovation Cluster, financed under the ROP Piemonte ERDF 2014-2020. The partners involved in the project include: Reynaldi srl, Environment park SpA e PEOCEMSA SpA; in collaboration with UNITO-DBIOS e POLITO –DISAT.

ENER.COM’s objective is to overcome technological and regulatory barriers in order to implement the pilot project on energy communities in the Pinerolo area.
InterBITS 2 – Harmonisation and enhancement of the BITS and ITS system

The InterBITS 2 project “Harmonisation and enhancement of the BTS and ITS system” in its second version is a project developed under the European FESR INTERREG VI-A France-Italy ALCOTRA 2021-2027 programme. This project is the logical continuation of the InterBITS project 2014-2020, which established a synergy program between France and Italy in the field of […]

Il progetto triennale di ricerca DENITREN è stato finanziato nell’ambito del Programma Regionale di Ricerca, sperimentazione e dimostrazione–direzione sviluppo Agricoltura.

Project PRIME has been financed under the ROP Piemonte ERDF 2014-2020, within the framework of the “Piattaforma Tecnologica per la Bioeconomia” grant programme.

The MAKE-UP! project aspires to find new solutions for cosmetic and cleanser sectors, where the demand for biological and sustainable products is continuously increasing.
Support to the TULIPS project (H2020)

In the context of climate neutrality, the European Commission has adopted the climate package “Fit for 55”, which commits member states to reduce by 55% greenhouse gas emissions compared to 1990 levels, with the goal of achieving “carbon neutrality” by 2050. Among energy-intensive sectors, aviation generates 14% of EU GHG emissions and can, therefore, play […]

Project ECO-BATI was financed under the Interreg Programme Italy – France ALCOTRA 2014 – 2020.
PROBIS – Market Innovation Dialogue

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