The CLEVER cluster

Environment Park is one of the managers of the CLEVER Cluster.

CLEVER is one of the seven Regional Innovation Clusters established by the Piemonte Regional Authority and specialises in Energy and Clean Technologies. We have made it our mission to drive the eco-innovation of the Piemonte region.

Currently the cluster includes 160 associates between large, medium and small enterprises and private and public research centres.

Managing the Cluster

CLEVER is managed by Environment Park together with Consorzio Uni.Ver.

The Cluster Managers act as interface between the Associates and the Piemonte Regional Authority. They support the enterprises on their innovation pathway.

What do we do for the Cluster

We offer a range of services to companies and research centres interested in investing in green innovation in energy, water resources, circular economy, sustainable mobility, climate change adaptation and mitigation, clean solutions.

Services to our Associates include matchmaking and organisation of tailored events.

Our performance from 2016 to 2020. We have:

  • Met more than 400 companies and organisations involved in green innovation
  • Collected more than 250 project proposals
  • Supported more than 150 organisations in the search for funding 
  • Organised more than 50 events and workshop
  • Offered services and  business opportunities through international projects

Discover more on this special project.


BIFOUR stands for Biometano da bioidrogeno prodotto con biodigestione anaerobica bistadio (biomethane from biohydrogen produced through two-stage anaerobic biodigestion).



Project POMACE is part of the 2016 strategic research agenda of the CLEVER Innovation Cluster, financed under the ROP Piemonte ERDF 2014-2020. The partners involved in the project include: RAMS&E Srl, Environment Park SpA, CCS Aosta Srl, IDEA3 Engineering Srl, in collaboration with UNITO-DBIOs.



Project PRECIOUS is part of the 2016 strategic research agenda of the CLEVER Innovation Cluster, financed under the ROP Piemonte ERDF 2014-2020. The partners involved in the project include: Reynaldi srl, Environment park SpA e PEOCEMSA SpA; in collaboration with UNITO-DBIOS e POLITO –DISAT.
