Sustainable building

We offer consultancy in the field of sustainable building, renewable energy and energy efficiency of both new and existing building-installation systems. EnviPark is able to offer the customer a package of technical and economic evaluation activities such as energy or energy/environmental certifications of buildings, energy audit, non-invasive instrumental energy monitoring, feasibility studies with calculations of payback, cost-benefit analysis and development of investment plans, support for the implementation of Energy Performance Contracts as well as services for measuring and verifying the performance of energy efficiency measures and energy production from renewable sources. In the Park we also have facilities for training on construction techniques for sustainable building.


Project 2020TOGETHER was launched under Programme CIP-IEE Intelligent Energy for Europe / Mobilizing Local Energy Investments – MLEI, with a total budget of € 487.955. 2020. 2020TOGETHER



CABEE Capitalizing Alpine Building Evaluation Experiences is a transnational Alpine project to create and implement an Alpine-wide guideline for definition, procurement, production, assessment and promotion as well as learning about new and refurbished Nearly-Zero-Emission-Buildings (NZEB) and their neighborhoods.



Project ECO-BATI was financed under the Interreg Programme Italy – France ALCOTRA 2014 – 2020.



“Efficiency Jobs” is an EU-cofinanced project of the Lifelong learning Programme; managed by the “Organismo Autónomo de Programas Educativos Europeos” (OAPEE) of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport. It is a “Multilateral Project for Transfer of Innovation” of the subsectoral Leonardo da Vinci Programme (LdV-TOI).



Project EUROPA (Energy Efficiency Subscription For Deep Renovation With Performance Guarantee) was financed under European Union’s research programme Horizon 2020. The consortium includes Regione Piemonte, as project coordinator, Environment Park, dealing with the platform development.



Europen project “PEACE_Alps–Pooling Energy Action plans and Enhancing their implementation in the Alps” is co-financed under Alpine Space Programme 2014-2020.



Project “Store4HUC- Integration and smart management of energy storages at historical urban sites” is financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERFD) under Programme Interreg Central Europe.



SITO S.p.A. is the management company of the interport of Turin. The reference shareholders, Finpiemonte Partecipazioni S.p.A. and Socotras S.p.A., have identified the need to
