
Since 2002, we have been promoting hydrogen and fuel cell initiatives in partnership with local industrial and research stakeholders. Thanks to a dedicated laboratory (HysyLab), we are able to test fuel cell systems, subsystems and components. As of 2019, the lab facility is managed in partnership with the Politecnico di Torino and IIT.

Alongside laboratory activities, we offer technology intelligence services including technology scouting, system and component assessment, and analysis of the entire hydrogen value chain.

In the last 15 years we have worked with about 100 companies including manufacturers and service companies. We support the regions and institutions such as the Piedmont Region, the Eusalps Alpine Region, and other local authorities in adopting hydrogen policies and best practices. Finally, we are members of H2IT – Italian Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Association and of the main industrial networks at national and European level.

From the ability to support complex projects, owing to our consolidated domain knowledge, to test infrastructures and project management, our expertise is an important asset for both regional and European programmes.

Our work supports the hydrogen system, from the laboratory to the territory: Envipark is an integral part of a system of relations and competences in the field of hydrogen that Piedmont has seen grow over the years. Together with POLITO, UNITO and IIT, Envipark is a reference point for a complete eco-system of research, innovation and technology transfer, connected to European networks, capable of competing in research and assisting companies in their competitive growth.


The web kick-off meeting held on 19th-20th January 2021, launched the activities of Best4Hy project (SustainaBlE SoluTions FOR recycling of end-of-life Hydrogen technologies), funded by the Fuel Cells and Hydrogen 2 Joint Undertaking within the European Unions’ Horizon 2020 research programme.



BIFOUR stands for Biometano da bioidrogeno prodotto con biodigestione anaerobica bistadio (biomethane from biohydrogen produced through two-stage anaerobic biodigestion).



BioROBURplus – Advanced  direct  biogas  fuel  processor  for robust and cost-effective decentralised hydrogen production- è un progetto finanziato nell’ambito del programma dell’Unione Europea Horizon2020.



Project Biosofc – Design and demonstration of 3 CHP plants using two 5 kW solid oxide fuel cells (SOFC) working with landfill gas and biogas from anaerobic digestion – was financed within the framework of the European Programme LIFE.



EVERYWH2ERE is a project funded by H2020, the European Union Framework Program for Research and Innovation, under the FCH JTI – Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking) – the public-private partnership supporting research in fuel-cell and hydrogen technologies.



Project Fruit-en-go was financed under the ROP Piemonte ERDF 2007-2013 and involves Fingranda spa as lead partner, Environment Park SpA, the Energy Department of Politecnico di Torino, T&G Sistemi and Sanifrutta.



HyCARE is a project funded by H2020, the European Union Framework Program for Research and Innovation, under the FCH JTI – Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking) – the public-private partnership supporting research in fuel-cell and hydrogen technologies.



Improving the Knowledge in Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technologies for Technicians. Progetto cofinanziato da FCH JU.



REFLEX is a project funded by H2020, the European Union Framework Program for Research and Innovation, under the FCH JTI – Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking.



SO WHAT is a project funded by H2020, the European Union Framework Program for Research and Innovation.



The LIFE SUSTAINHUTS (or Sustainable Huts) project aims at making 12 mountain huts from 4 European countries (Spain, Italy, Slovenia and France) more energy efficient by reducing their pollutant emissions.



HYTECHCYCLING is a 36-month project carried out from May 2016 to May 2019. It was funded by H2020, the European Union Framework Program for Research and Innovation, under the FCH JTI – Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking) – the public-private partnership supporting research in fuel-cell and hydrogen technologies.



HYPOP – Hydrogen Public Opinion and Acceptance, is a project funded by the Clean Hydrogen Partnership under the European Horizon Europe programme. HYPOP’s overall objective



SITO S.p.A. is the management company of the interport of Turin. The reference shareholders, Finpiemonte Partecipazioni S.p.A. and Socotras S.p.A., have identified the need to



HYPERGRYD (Hybrid coupled networks for thermal-electric integrated smart energy Districts) is a European project, that lasts 42 months funded by the Horizon 2020 program for



STEPPING Plus is a project co-funded by the European Union through the Interreg MED Program, with a budget of 499.095 €, it is a continuation
