Green chemistry lab

BIOMASS TREATMENT and biochemicals extraction PLANT

This plant is designed to test the main biomass treatments suitable for improving exploitation. The facilities are designed with the main purpose of improving biodegradability of biomass for biochemicals and sugars extraction by increasing the yield in subsequent processes. This plant could perform different processes on biomass in order to enhance its utilization as a renewable source. The main scope is to extract all the valuable components, sugars included from vegetable sources. Treatments available allow to improve hydrolysis, transforming lignin and hemicellulose and reducing the crystallinity of cellulose.

The plant is characterized by 3 main reactors which can operate both in series and in parallel on different types of biomass (lignocellulosic, amylaceous, proteins, sugary, oleaginous wastes, etc).

  • THERMAL SECTION, based on Steam Explosion process (30L), if required after chemical conditioning, particularly suitable for lignocellulosic biomass.
  • CHEMICAL SECTION (150L), based on chemical hydrolysis, to be performed directly on raw biomass, mainly amylaceous and proteins, or even lignocellulosic.
  • BIOLOGICAL SECTION (150L) based on enzymatic hydrolysis on the separate fractions (hemicellulose, cellulose and lignin) and on other types of biomass.

The plant was designed to:

  • Treat different types of biomass
  • Choose the best combinations for increasing the process yield
  • Obtain optimized cost-based process results

Fermentation pilot plants

For test and validation of fermentation processes, Environment Park operates a pilot plant for carrying out tests aimed at optimizing biochemical processes.

The pilot plant consists of 3 stirred digesters (5, 35 and 150 L), suitable for biochemical processes or even for biogas production optimization, in which it is possible to perform fermentations with yeasts and bacteria in aerobic and anaerobic conditions.

All the reactors can operate in batch (STR) and in continuous (CSTR) and they are equipped with a pH, temperature, gas production flow rate and composition monitoring system in order to control the key parameters of the process during the fermentation.

To create anaerobic conditions, or for processes in which the reagents are gases, the system is equipped with a gas inlet at the bottom of the reactor, where inert gas, i.e. nitrogen, or reagent gas can be injected. During fermentation the gas produced is released through a relief valve which opens at a fixed pressure (operative range 5-100 mBar) and is connected to a gas collection system.

Produced gas composition is continuously evaluated through a micro gas-cromatograph and the rate of production is measured through an on-line gas counter in order to control both the quality and the quantity of gas stream.

The plant is also equipped with a system for data logging in order to perform continuous test over few days, in order to define and optimize the process parameters.

SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION plants (REALIZED in the framework of INFRA-P CALL IN COoperation WITH politechnic of turin)


Alfa Laval’s Clara 20 separator module is designed to be a multipurpose unit for liquid solid separation. The unit consists of a stainless-steel skid fitted with a separator and all the auxiliary equipment needed. Separation takes place inside a rotating bowl. The feed is introduced to the rotating centrifuge bowl from the top via a stationary inlet pipe and is accelerated in the distributor before entering the disc stack. The distributor is designed specially to ensure smooth acceleration of the feed liquid. The solids are collected in the periphery, from where it is discharged intermittently into the solids collecting tank.

  • Throughput capacity; low-high flow max. 1 m3/h-4 m3/h
  • Bowl speed: 9,5 rpm
  • Bowl liquid volume: 2.2 L
  • Sludge space volume: approx. 1.1 L
  • Capacity: up to 4000 l/h


This is a tangential filtration plant suitable for operating with ceramics membranes and wound spiral membranes. It can perform micro-ultra and nano filtration, and also reverse osmosis for the purification and concentration of cell lysates, hydrolysed solution of biochemicals and fermentation broths containing high value compounds. The machine is technically structured with innovative features compared to the regular separation technologies, in order to achieve higher levels of performance in terms of quality and quantity. The plant is equipped with a pressurization system, a recirculation loop and a membrane pressurization control system; the monitoring system allows control of variables such as temperature, pressures and flow rates.

  • Capacity: 30-200 l/batch
  • Solution characteristics: blend previously clarified with centrifugal separator
  • Average permeate productivity: 20-100 l/h depending on the type of solution and membranes


BIFOUR stands for Biometano da bioidrogeno prodotto con biodigestione anaerobica bistadio (biomethane from biohydrogen produced through two-stage anaerobic biodigestion).



AURORAL project has the aim to tackle significant social challenges for increasing economic growth in rural areas, delivering a platform bridging the digital gap between urban and rural areas.



Project AlpBioEco –Valorization of innovative bioeconomical potential along biobased food and botanical extract value chain in the Alpine Space



BIOFIDS is a project that aims at the technological transfer of the ENEA patent N° 0001428761 “LED photobioreactor plant for the biological removal of H2S from biogas.



BioROBURplus – Advanced  direct  biogas  fuel  processor  for robust and cost-effective decentralised hydrogen production- è un progetto finanziato nell’ambito del programma dell’Unione Europea Horizon2020.



ENER.COM’s objective is to overcome technological and regulatory barriers in order to implement the pilot project on energy communities in the Pinerolo area.



The web kick-off meeting held on 30th April 2020, launched the activities of BioSFerA project (BIOfuels production from Syngas FERmentation for Aviation and maritime use), funded by European Unions’ Horizon 2020 research programme.



The MAKE-UP! project aspires to find new solutions for cosmetic and cleanser sectors, where the demand for biological and sustainable products is continuously increasing.



Project Biosofc – Design and demonstration of 3 CHP plants using two 5 kW solid oxide fuel cells (SOFC) working with landfill gas and biogas from anaerobic digestion – was financed within the framework of the European Programme LIFE.



BRISK II project “Biofuels Research Infrastructure for Sharing Knowledge” has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme.



Il progetto triennale di ricerca DENITREN è stato finanziato nell’ambito del Programma Regionale di Ricerca, sperimentazione e dimostrazione–direzione sviluppo Agricoltura.



The ENGICOIN project – Engineered microbial factories for CO2 exploitation in an integrated waste treatment platform- has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme.



Project Fruit-en-go was financed under the ROP Piemonte ERDF 2007-2013 and involves Fingranda spa as lead partner, Environment Park SpA, the Energy Department of Politecnico di Torino, T&G Sistemi and Sanifrutta.



Project InterBITS (Harmonisation and exploitation actions of BITS and ITS system) was financed under Programme Interreg V-A France-Italy (ALCOTRA).



Project Poliwine was financed under the ROP Piemonte ERDF 2007-2013. Environment Park and the University of Turin collaborates with the cosmetics company Reynaldi and the winery Rabezzana di Calliano.



Project POMACE is part of the 2016 strategic research agenda of the CLEVER Innovation Cluster, financed under the ROP Piemonte ERDF 2014-2020. The partners involved in the project include: RAMS&E Srl, Environment Park SpA, CCS Aosta Srl, IDEA3 Engineering Srl, in collaboration with UNITO-DBIOs.



Project PRECIOUS is part of the 2016 strategic research agenda of the CLEVER Innovation Cluster, financed under the ROP Piemonte ERDF 2014-2020. The partners involved in the project include: Reynaldi srl, Environment park SpA e PEOCEMSA SpA; in collaboration with UNITO-DBIOS e POLITO –DISAT.



Project PRIME has been financed under the ROP Piemonte ERDF 2014-2020, within the framework of the “Piattaforma Tecnologica per la Bioeconomia” grant programme.



ProGIreg is a project funded by the European Commission under the Horizon 2020 programme. ProGIreg stands for ‘productive Green Infrastructure for post-industrial urban regeneration’ and its goal is to achieve urban regeneration through nature in post-industrial aras of Europe and China.



SATURNO (Organic waste and Carbon dioxide Transformed into carburates, fertilizers and chemical products; concrete application of circular ecoNOmy) is a 30-months research project funded by Piedmont Region within the scope of the Bioeconomy Technologic Platform initiative.
