Project 2020TOGETHER was launched under Programme CIP-IEE Intelligent Energy for Europe / Mobilizing Local Energy Investments – MLEI, with a total budget of € 487.955. 2020. 2020TOGETHER
Envipark supports public administrations in developing projects, analyses and accompanying services to improve sustainability and efficiency of cities. We offer support services in the field of innovative and sustainable procurement procedures such as Green Public Procurement and Public Procurement for Innovation. We support municipalities by proposing Energy Management services to reduce energy consumption of real estate assets (buildings and public lighting) and vehicle fleets. We promote the development of energy communities and work to improve urban services towards Smart City levels.
Project 2020TOGETHER was launched under Programme CIP-IEE Intelligent Energy for Europe / Mobilizing Local Energy Investments – MLEI, with a total budget of € 487.955. 2020. 2020TOGETHER
Streets for Citizens – TACTICAL URBANISM – new innovative solutions for sustainable mobility in the cities to mitigate negative environmental impacts in urban life and
DATA4ACTION – Facilitating public authorities access to energy data for better implementation and monitoring of SEAP actions through effective and structured collaboration with energy data providers
ENVIPARK is part of a Temporary Grouping of Professionals together with ACQUATECNO S.r.l and AMBIENTE S.p.A who have been entrusted with the task of drafting
PROBIS is looking for Innovative solution for Energy in Building!
STEPPING – Supporting The EPC Public Procurement IN Going-beyond- brings together nine partners from seven countries of Mediterranean Area for testing new approach of application of Energy Performance Contracting (EPC) scheme.
The Green Living Areas Mission of the Interreg EUROMED programme aims to improve the lives of Mediterranean citizens by promoting the development of green living
STEPPING Plus is a project co-funded by the European Union through the Interreg MED Program, with a budget of 499.095 €, it is a continuation
Through the European Program INTERREG Med, two projects were co-financed: STEPPING, which involved Environment Park as a partner, and the subsequent STEPPING PLUS, where Envipark
Foundation Cassa di Risparmio di Cuneo is a non-profit organization active especially in the province of Cuneo, and pursues purposes of social utility and promotion
MC0 – Mission Carb 0 is a project co-financed by the INTERREG ALCOTRA programme, under the “New Challenges” call, and meets the specific objective of
Confartigianato Imprese in the Province of Cuneo intends to promote a Renewable Energy Community in the territory of the Province of Cuneo, mainly involving businesses