The HYPOP project (Envipark is coordinator) is set to host two important international webinars in March and April 2025: ‘Engaging Non-Technical Audiences: Best Practices for Energy Communication’ on 20 March 2025, and ‘Raising Awareness of Hydrogen: Best Practices from the HYPOP Project’ on 24 April 2025. Both events will provide valuable insights on communicating hydrogen […]
HYPOP at European Hydrogen Week 2024

HYPOP participated in the European Hydrogen Week 2024 in Brussels, an event that brought together experts, policymakers, and innovators to advance the hydrogen economy. HYPOP highlighted its mission to raise the social acceptability of hydrogen and shared its progress with the international community. Two of the best moments during the week were: Workshop (November 19th): […]

La Camera di commercio di Cuneo ha pubblicato l’avviso di manifestazione di interesse rivolto alle aziende del settore agroalimentare (ad esclusione di quelle agricole) a candidarsi per beneficiare di un accompagnamento, gratuito e personalizzato, verso un utilizzo più razionale e sostenibile della risorsa idrica. L’iniziativa si colloca nell’ambito del progetto comunitario Interreg Alcotra France-Italia 2021-2027, […]

Il 31 luglio si è riunito presso l’Autorità di Sistema Portuale dei mari Tirreno Meridionale e Ionio (MTMI) il Comitato di Gestione, che ha approvato all’unanimità il DEASP (Documento di Pianificazione Energetica e Ambientale), la cui redazione ha visto impegnata Envipark nel corso del 2023. La notizia è stata diffusa da diversi media locali, ed […]
March 2024, BioSFerA is “Setting the course for aviation and marine fuels for the transport of tomorrow”

19th, 20th March 2024, Brussels – the BioSFerA Consortium met at the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) Delegation facilities in Brussels for a two-days event. BioSFerA (Biofuels production from Syngas FERmentation for Aviation and maritime use), is a research and innovation project receiving funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 program under Grant Agreement No […]

The AEWEN (Africa Europe Water & Energy Network) project, co-funded under the COSME programme of the European Union, has successfully concluded its activities. Its primary objective was to develop a network and implement a joint internationalisation strategy to assist European SMEs in expanding into three selected African countries: Morocco, Senegal, and Tunisia. The project aimed […]
Welcome to the 19 thematic projects of the Green Living Areas Community

On the last 21 November, the 19 thematic projects belonging to the Green Living Areas Community of the Interreg EUROMED programme were selected. As responsible for community building, we would like to welcome all the partners of these 19 projects, wishing a fruitful adventure for the next years all together. With the selected projects, we […]

Hydrogen represents a key solution to ensure sustainable energy supply with a strategic role into the innovative pathways towards the European climate neutrality goal. For those reasons, this year Environment Park dedicates its hydrogen day to the hydrogen value chain with an important sustainability perspective all over it. October 26th, Environment Park hosts at its […]
BioSFerA’s Consortium gathers in Helsinki and visits the project’s pilot plant at VTT

Last May the BioSFerA international partnership met for its 6th General Assembly in Helsinki to discuss the activities of this final year of the project. It was an important opportunity to visit the project’s pilot plant, starting to appreciate concretely the BioSFerA concept scaling-up to TRL5. The General Assembly was the opportunity for the entire […]
The first Expert Course of the European Multilevel Hybrid Learning project kick off

The team of the Multilevel Hybrid Learning project met in Turin at ENVIRONMENT PARK’s premises to present the University Expert Course in Cybersecurity and Blockchain, validated at EU level in the framework of the ERASMUS PLUS programme and can be taken by any student who has completed higher vocational training, a university degree or who […]
Multilevel Hybrid Learning Project present first part conclusions in Graz (Austria)

The second transnational meeting of the European project Multilevel Hybrid Learning took place in Graz (Austria) during the last week of October. During this event the working team presented the results of the first part of this project whose objective is the development of three training programs that allow students to acquire and develop basic […]
HYPOP project just started: awareness and trust towards hydrogen technologies

The Kick-off meeting of HYPOP – Hydrogen Public Opinion and Acceptance, the project funded by the European Horizon Europe program with the aim to raise awareness and trust towards hydrogen technologies and their systemic benefits, took place last 21st of June. The project, lasting 2 years, involves 8 partners and 6 countries: together with Environment […]

“What do Europeans know about hydrogen technologies?” This is the question we will try to answer during the webinar organized by the Clean Hydrogen Partnership tomorrow, Friday, July 7 at 9:30-12:00, to discuss the state of play of public awareness, acceptance and uptake of hydrogen technologies by European citizens. The event was created to discuss […]
GA in Grenoble: planning the activities for the last year of BEST4Hy

The BEST4Hy Consortium has started 2023 with a successful General Assembly held at the CEA’s headquarter in the city of Grenoble (France). At the very beginning, a short overview of the activities by the coordinator Environment Park highlights that BEST4Hy is producing several interesting results and promising progress opportunities. To this end, the dissemination and […]
Renewable Hydrogen Solutions Webinar

This webinar is hosted by the EVERYWH2ERE project which constructs ready-to-use hydrogen fuel cell gensets as an alternative to conventional diesel generators. Organised in cooperation with ICLEI several cities have engaged in testing the genset solutions. As part of its mission, the project aims to present stakeholders with a well-balanced perspective on the potential role […]
Updates from BioSFerA H2020: biological process status and forward project’s steps

Another important General Assembly meeting was held last October within the BioSFerA Consortium. On this occasion, the partners met in Ghent (Belgium), at the Bio Base Europe Pilot Plant’s headquarter: last project updates and an interesting tour at the biobased process plant made well successful the meeting at BBEPP. At this stage of the project, […]

“Circularity in Hydrogen Fuel Cells” is the next workshop organised by BEST4Hy, where Environment Park is project coordinator, with the other two Horizon2020 projects eGHOST and SH2E. The main objective of this workshop is to provide the audience with the latest research results on sustainability of hydrogen fuel cells, considering their entire life cycle. The hydrogen […]
Cleantex consortium holds its 5th Transnational Project Meeting in Ljubljana!

Last Tuesday September 12th, Cleantex project partners met for their 5th Transnational Project Meeting in Ljubljana, Slovenia. Envipark started presenting the conclusion of the IO1, the Virtual Training Program. From its beginning, the contents, and how they are structured to the implementation in a virtual platform that AEI Tèxtils designed within the Cleantex website. As […]
The BEST4Hy H2020 Consortium meets in Turin

The last General Assembly of the BEST4Hy project was held in Turin, where all the partners gathered to discuss on the last research results before the summer and plan the next activities for the coming year. The meeting provided a positive report with mid-term results coming more and more closer to the BEST4Hy final objectives […]
BioSFerA H2020, project’s update and meeting in Madrid

For the first time, after two years of project, the BioSFerA Consortium meets in person in Madrid. The first physical meeting took place last 3rd – 4th May at the Center for Biological Research Margarita Salas (CIB) of our partner CSIC, the Spanish National Research Council. The two-days meeting was also the opportunity to visit […]
Smartenergy visits on hydrogen and renewables in Piemonte

A three days exchange between June 29th and July 1st 2022 was organized in the frame of SMARTENERGY project funded by COSME programme. The project, started in February 2020, supports European SMEs and scaling up organizations in the participation to the ClusterXChange program promoted by EASME. The short-term visits aim to create new market opportunities and facilitate […]
Second European Regions for Smart Communities Summit

Join us at the Second European Regions for Smart Communities Summit, 9-14 May online and in Portugal, organized by H2020-AURORAL Project. The Summit will be the celebration of the success and achievements of cooperation across Smart Communities and an opportunity for mutually commit to share challenges and smart solutions. It will gather local and […]
BEST4HY H2020 project: stock of the situation after one year

Promising results for the BEST4Hy EUH2020 project, after about a year from its launch. The well-established Consortium continues with its activities and its research on the development and validation of existing and novel recycling processes for both PEM (proton exchange membrane) and SOC (solid oxide cells) fuel cells, with widening approval also from some organisations […]
Webinar: Learning more on the AEWEN initiative and how to succeed in Africa

As part of an EU project focused on water and green energy solutions, the AEWEN consortium invites European companies to take part in the first of a series of webinars to support the internationalisation of European small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) in the markets of Morocco, Senegal and Tunisia. The webinar will be […]
news on biofuels from biosfera project

BioSFerA is ready to annouce its project newsletter. WHY A NEWSLETTER? Starting its third year of research work, BioSFerA have decided to promote its project with a dedicated newsletter available every 4 months where go deepen on project progresses and results, share news and opportunities related to biofuels in maritime and aviation industry. Wheter you […]
Biofuels: latest news from the research project BioSFerA

At nearly half of its way, the BioSFerA project is aligned with the planned activities and some first interesting results highlight the technical value of the BioSFerA concept. Achieved the potential assessment of its replicability across Europe at commercial scale, as well as the identification of the overall value chain, progresses follow from the biological […]

The EU HYDROGEN WEEK, organised by the Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking (FCH JU) has started well: the BEST4Hy project, where Environment Park is coordinator, has been awarded as “Best Success Story”. Directly selected by the FCH JU, BEST4Hy competed in the category ‘Towards a sustainable and circular hydrogen economy’ with other 5 projects dealing […]

BEST4Hy, European project dedicated to sustainable solutions for recovery and recycling of critical raw materials from end-of-life hydrogen technologies, launches its official NEWSLETTER. Every six months the readers will receive BEST4Hy updates with main project progresses, results, publications, but also main hydrogen and related sustainability news from the world, as well conferences, workshop, engagement opportunities […]

On 9th February, BEST4Hy hosts a workshop to share good practices and opportunities for SMEs operating in the hydrogen and fuel cells sector. The workshop will be an occasion to present BEST4Hy, a European project that proposes sustainable solutions for the recycling of critical raw materials of end-of-life fuel cells and hydrogen technologies, share virtuous […]
È online il WEBGIS dedicato alle energie rinnovabili nel Mediterraneo

Il Renewable Energy Community WebGIS è la piattaforma geografica dedicata alla transizione energetica e alle fonti di energia rinnovabile delle aree rurali e insulari del Mediterraneo. E’ stato creato nell’ambito del progetto Interreg MED Renewable Energy, e dal 2016, raccoglie e mappa i dati statistici relativi al sistema energetico nel Mediterraneo, gli indicatori socio-economici relativi […]