Stepping-Supporting The EPC Public Procurement IN Going-beyond

STEPPING – Supporting The EPC Public Procurement IN Going-beyond- brings together nine partners from seven countries of Mediterranean Area for testing new approach of application of Energy Performance Contracting (EPC) scheme. STEPPING is financed by the European Union under the INTERREG Mediterranian Programme. Piemonte Region coordinates a partnership composed by the Energy and sustainable development agency of Modena, the BSC, bussines support centre, l.t.d., Kranj (Slovenia), Environment Park, Huelva County Council

(Spain), Malta Intelligent Energy Management Agency, the Aegean Energy Agency, the Regional energy and environment agency in Rhône-Alpes(France), and the Regional Energy and Environment Agency from North Alentejo (Portugal).

The project aims at promoting dissemination of the Energy Performance Contracts (EPC) within the Mediterranean area, through coordination activities and local initiatives, guidelines and dissemination activities and trainings.

The project builds on the partners’ past experiences in the area of Energy Performance Contracting for buildings. After careful assessment, all methodologies and approaches which are best suited for the Mediterranean area, will be selected. They will be tested by the partners in investment plans pilot projects for the energy upgrading of public buildings through the EPCs and relevant tenders.

Our role

Within the Stepping project, Environment Park supports the Piedmont Region in the development of a pilot project on energy efficiency in buildings, through the application of Energy Performance Contracts (EPC). Thanks to the exchange of knowledge between partners and the development of activities included in the Stepping Project, Environment Park intends to increase its skills in the context of energy requalification in public buildings by applying the Energy Performance Contracting.

Envipark provided mentoring and support services to regional public authorities for issuing three calls for EPC tenders aimed at upgrading the energy efficiency of 30 public buildings. The awarded tenders allow the carrying out of energy efficiency measures for a total value of over 3 million Euros.