ITS Energia Piemonte

ITS, ‘Istituti Tecnici Superiori’, are institutes of excellence and high technological specialisation, whose offer is configured as post high school ordinary courses. The “Istituti Tecnici Superiori” train high-level professionals in technological areas recognized as strategic for economic development and competitiveness. The ITS represent in Italy the tertiary education offer alternative to university.

Environment Park, as managing authority of the CLEVER Cluster, and Fondazione ITS Professionalità per lo sviluppo dei Sistemi Energetici Ecosostenibili (Foundation for professionals in eco-sustainable energy systems development), have been collaborating since 2017, working together on energy and clean technologies.

La Fondazione si propone di contribuire a modificare i modelli di produzione, consumo, e risparmio energetico, affiancando le imprese e gli enti locali nell’affrontare nodi complessi che insistono su diversi settori economici e sociali del Paese. Dalle fonti energetiche alternative, all’edilizia sostenibile, dal risparmio energetico alla costruzione e manutenzione di impianti, dalla riduzione dell’inquinamento ad una maggiore attenzione all’uso razionale dell’energia.

Through the active collaboration of the 33 partners members of the foundation, including Environment Park, and thanks to an analysis of the professional needs of the territory, the Foundation has established some 2-year courses for Energy Manager, Energy Plant Manager, and Building Manager.

The collaboration between Environment Park and ITS focuses on:

  • Promoting the exchange and dissemination of good practices and innovative methodologies;
  • Addressing the employment and training needs of companies and involving them in the co-planning and implementation of training and internship;
  • Interfacing with the local production and social system, to share and build upon positive experiences;
  • Promoting the knowledge of the ITS offer in meetings and public events targeted at businesses;
  • Designing focus events, such as the Hackathon Green Camp or the ITS open days.